Summative Assessment Blog Post

Artist Statement :-

Sunny Nowell’s practice involves work created around Brexit, focusing on the MPs that have influenced the results of the current events we find ourselves in. The MPs he has focused on is Nigel Farage, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn as he feels these people have influence the British public the most. The paintings created show the artists thoughts and opinion about the situation we find Britain in. The work created is acrylic portraits of the politicians with a facial expression to represent the artists thoughts about the influence they had regarding the Brexit referendum outcome. The size of the paintings is A4, and there are nine portraits for each MP. The reason why this work has been created is to reveal the artists thoughts on leaving the EU by showing through facial expressions the effect it has had on Britain and continues to have. The process involved looking through the internet for images of the MPs that show a facial expression the artist feels is an appropriate way to depict the MPs thoughts on Brexit and after that process creating the images into something other than a photograph using a filter to create an image of the MPs. The image needed to look like the person chosen but also to enhance their facial expression to almost be realistic caricatures. This was then transferred to acrylic painting paper, painted and framed. The reasoning on why the artist is trying to show these MPs with different expressions is to show how he personally feels the MPs think on what they are doing towards the current event of Brexit.


Subject :-

Documentation Key Posts :-

Theresa May – Field of Wheat

The MPs

Painted Portraits Progress


Contextualisation key Posts :-

Frank Sheppard Faireys

Ai Wei Wei, Sunflower Seeds, 2010

JR, Face2Face


Field :-

Documentation Key Posts :-

The order in which the work will be displayed.

The Final Display.

Contextualisation key Posts :-

Ari Versluis, Gabbers – Rotterdam 1994 and Mohawks – Rotterdam 1998

Portrait (Self) #1 as control + 11 Alterations by Retouching and Airbrushing by John Baldessari 1974


The Final Display.

DSC_0126DSC_0130This is the final outcome. I’m happy with how it have turned out and can see a lot of meaning behind the work. the order may change due to last minute checks and cleaning but that the final display that I will show. I decided that its best to have Corbyn in the middle because it is the most powerful one with the colour of his background the  meaning behind the work made around him. I didn’t place them in a podium design but I have placed them the side that a podium is order( 3rd is on the left, 2nd is on the right and in the middle in the 1st place. I used that because I like the idea of them podium but not the look. so the simplicity will help it just focus on the expression on the facial and hopefully create some humour with the viewer.

The order in which the work will be displayed.

For the layout of the work I wanted to have it 2X15 across the wall. That would of made it perfect with all 30 paintings used. The wall wasn’t long enough for that the I had to use my back up which was the 3×9. that made 27 portraits used. which in the end was the better idea from the beginning because a few of the portraits were not as powerful as others and I could cancels out the weaker links. the other idea I need to decide was to have the podium idea I had, were there was a 1st, 2nd and 3rd like a podium to show who was leading in my opinion, but that was to much going on and decided against that idea and stuck with the simplicity of the 3×9 (top left)


First Year helper Meet

The meeting I had with my first year was to explain what I needed from him and the dates I needed him. so I explain I needed him for the last few days leading up to the deadline. this was because I need him to help me hang the work and clean the work. Then for the last day to help me tidy the space and make sure that I have everything prepared for the assessment and exhibition. He was fine with all the things I need from him

Dmitri Vrubel, Fraternal Kiss Brezhnev and Honecker Embrace, 2014

dmitri-vrubel-fraternal-kiss-brezhnev-and-honecker-embraceThe message behind the work is that being gay isn’t something that should be banned/illegal. The way he have you important political people to show this is what I’m taking in my work. the humour helps people understand the message in the work. So the humour in my work make people understand that the people who look funny are the people we shouldn’t trust.

1st day of helping from my helper

So for the first day of help we began with cleaning the frames for the portraits. we talked about the artwork and what the plan was for the day. After cleaning all of them we proceed to figuring the best option for hanging the work. Came to a final decision and started with the very first painting and went from there. He help me hang, screw and check the work for it to be level and equally space. after he help me do this I let him go and I finished the last few.DSC_0110

Frame or No

DSC_0017The question is do I have the glass in the frame or not? I think they both good and bad parts about having the glass or not. If I have the glass, there will be a glare of it when the sun shines on it. but it looks more professional and hide some of the blemishes. on the other had having no glass will have no glare but doesn’t look as formal. I think I want it to be more formal than being able to see the texture oh the paint.


JR, Face2Face

The work show facial expression of a variety of people to represent two country’s getting along “When we met in 2005, we decided to go together to the Middle‐East to figure out why Palestinians and Israelis couldn’t find a way to get along together.” ( this is something that my work is doing. its trying to show an emotion and thought that I have. Just like JR I’m trying to get a message across that something needs to change to better this country. The emotion explain what he what as do mine.0