Summative Assessment Blog Post

Artist Statement :-

Sunny Nowell’s practice involves work created around Brexit, focusing on the MPs that have influenced the results of the current events we find ourselves in. The MPs he has focused on is Nigel Farage, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn as he feels these people have influence the British public the most. The paintings created show the artists thoughts and opinion about the situation we find Britain in. The work created is acrylic portraits of the politicians with a facial expression to represent the artists thoughts about the influence they had regarding the Brexit referendum outcome. The size of the paintings is A4, and there are nine portraits for each MP. The reason why this work has been created is to reveal the artists thoughts on leaving the EU by showing through facial expressions the effect it has had on Britain and continues to have. The process involved looking through the internet for images of the MPs that show a facial expression the artist feels is an appropriate way to depict the MPs thoughts on Brexit and after that process creating the images into something other than a photograph using a filter to create an image of the MPs. The image needed to look like the person chosen but also to enhance their facial expression to almost be realistic caricatures. This was then transferred to acrylic painting paper, painted and framed. The reasoning on why the artist is trying to show these MPs with different expressions is to show how he personally feels the MPs think on what they are doing towards the current event of Brexit.


Subject :-

Documentation Key Posts :-

Theresa May – Field of Wheat

The MPs

Painted Portraits Progress


Contextualisation key Posts :-

Frank Sheppard Faireys

Ai Wei Wei, Sunflower Seeds, 2010

JR, Face2Face


Field :-

Documentation Key Posts :-

The order in which the work will be displayed.

The Final Display.

Contextualisation key Posts :-

Ari Versluis, Gabbers – Rotterdam 1994 and Mohawks – Rotterdam 1998

Portrait (Self) #1 as control + 11 Alterations by Retouching and Airbrushing by John Baldessari 1974


Business card designs

Buisness card

I wanted something very simple with the design of the card because I want people to see my work and see who its done by. even if they don’t contact me, if they saw the work again they would know who would of done it. also as this was my catalogue photo people who know it would be about to talk to people about the work I’ve made.

Andy Warhol


Andy Warhol inspired work is very similar to the work I’m creating as it’s has repartition which changes. That idea of having one idea and changing the aspects of it to create a whole different type of art inspired the work I’m creating now. I’ve take that idea but I changed the expression on a face to fit the idea I want to get across.

Sunny Nowell’s practice involves work created around Brexit. Focusing on the MPs that have influenced the results of this current event. The MPs he’s focused on is Nigel Farage, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn.  The painting created show his thoughts and opinion about the situation. The work created is acrylic portraits of the politicians with a facial expression to represent his thought about their influence towards Brexit. The size of the paintings is A4, and there are ten portraits for each MP. The reason for these ideas is that it shows the effect it has on Britain. The reason for this work to be created is to reveal his thoughts on the current event. The process of this practice involved looking through the newspaper and the internet for images of the MPs the show the representation I want to depict them as. Then after this to create the images into something other than a photograph to use a filter to create an image of the MPs. The image needed to look like the person chosen but also to enhance their facial expression. This then was transferred to acrylic painting paper. Which was then painted and framed. Which has now influenced the next step for his work which takes the portraits produced and then create the same portrait in a graffiti media. The work will be photographed and will also create work influenced by the work made outside. This will be done by creating walls they have been sprayed on.



Nigel Dead

King Corbyn

Other ones:-

Corbyn Graffiti Stencils

Ideas of Where I May Do Some Graffiti

Painted Portraits Progress




Robert Kusmirowski, Unacabine, 2008

Zevs, Visual Attack,

Other ones:-

Banksy, SWAT Van , Moco Museum, Amsterdam

Ai Wei Wei, Sunflower Seeds, 2010

Anthony Stokes,2007


Formative Assessment

Artist Statement –

My current practice is based on British politics, focusing on Brexit as my main topic. I want to show my views on Brexit and the people who are dealing with it. The work I have made is showing the emotions of the MPs who I think have the most relevance to Brexit. The emotions they are showing are going to be represented as the type of person they are for Brexit. For example, if I showed a person with an upset face this shows that they are weak and incapable to deal with Brexit. This idea is what I want to do with all the relevant MPs. I want to mock the MPs who be helped with leaving Brexit and praise the MPs who I think would help.

5 Documentation: Ideas

5 Contextualization: